Self-portrait. Adobe Photoshop CS6 with Wacom Intuos.
I have three different versions of this basically because I every time I was done with one, I'd get a better idea and execute that into my already existing version. At first, I favored the second and/or third (as they're almost the same) version more than the first. Now, I lean more towards the first. Sure, I could pick one to upload on here, but what's the fun of that when you can have three different ones? Plus, maybe one day I'll change my mind and favor version two or three.
Version one:
In the reference photo, I stand in front of a body of water with Norwegian mountains at the horizon. This is where I got the idea to actually draw the sea behind me. The waves were just an experiment with Photoshop brushes that I ended up fancying a lot.
Version two:
After finalizing the first version, I got confused as to if the water did look good or if it fit the whole artwork. I changed my mind and drew a galactic focused atmosphere.

Version three:
I then thought that I looked too innocent and wanted it to be a more inhuman character. I got to refine the details a little bit more, too, like the stars in the background.
Phases of the Moon

Phases of the Moon

