Imagine Nature

Imagine Nature is a journey into imagination of artificial brain.

Texture synthesis neural network extracted texture representations of a range of natural images, and encoded them into latent space. This generated a pool of possible, but not yet existent, patterns which all share common qualities and interconnected with each other. Now this space can be used to generate novel imagery.​​​​​​​

The video is a flow through this space, guided by perlin noise. It highlights interconnection of the textures. Seamlessly changing representations hypnotize and challenge the brain, which recognizes natural appearance of the images, but struggles to settle in a distinct understanding of seen, being drawn in the flow of interconnection.

What might be fascinating is not the visuals themselves, but the nature of their appearance. Nobody drew, modeled, photoshopped or rendered them. They are slices of inner states of artificial system, built by blueprints of biological perception.

Maybe it can give insight or point us at the nature of our own perception,
but that is not sure.

Imagine Nature II

This video is an experiment on extracting and rendering dynamic textures.

Extra renders

More Imagine Nature motion.

Process Video

Process video contains most of motion image rendered in the process.

Process Book

The book contains images rendered in the process, code and notes.
The book layout was designed in python.
Imagine Nature

Imagine Nature

Synthetic natural visuals from neural network.
