It's never too early for ice cream, right?! 
We proudly present our newest project in partnership with OGM Integrated: Kremi Icicles! 

In this adorably fun animation we follow Mée, a friendly buddy who absolutely LOVES popsicles! How much does he love them, you ask?​​​​​​​

One of the challenges was translating Mée's lovely personality, 
but after many studies and trials we reached a result we were happy with!


A big question we had to answer was how to make Mée's 3D model suitable for dancing. We had to go through a series of modeling and rigging tests to reach a satisfactory result. Finally we got a version that kept the main shapes and could still dance all day long!


Lights, Cameras, Color! At this stage we give life and emotion to our favorite character and his hut. Even though his home is rather simple we wanted to give it a really warm feel.


In order to share our knowledge and to show our artists to the world, we are starting the area "Learning with the artist", where some of the artists who participated in the work can talk a little about their role in the project . If you enjoyed this iniciative, please leave a comment and we will keep doing it.

Hopefully you enjoyed our work!
As a studio we believe in sharing knowledge and experiences, so let us know if this was helpful and/or fun so we can keep bringing more and more content in a near future! 

Production: Estúdio Pé Grande  |  Direction: Gabriel Vedana & Felipe Galvão  |  Storyboard: Ricardo Andreis |  Concept: Ricardo Andreis, Pedro Henrique |  Models: Lucas Falcão & Bruno Cornelsen 
Rig: Danilo Pinheiro  |  Layout: Gabriel Vedana, Ricardo Andreis, Giovana Novelo  |  Animation: Jonathan Edward, Rodrigo Augusto, Fabio Pugliese, Conrado Testa, Francisco Catão  |  Look/Dev: Josemar Queiros and Giovana Novello  |  Post-Production: Felipe Galvão  |  Agency: OMG Integrated 


It's never too early for ice cream, right?!  We proudly present our newest project in partnership with OGM Integrated: Kremi Icicles! 
