Spiritus. The main part of your drinks


The main part of your drinks

The group of companies has a special expertise in alcohol business and provides a full range of services in connection with the launch of alcohol produce on the market: from the import of raw materials and creation of recipes to wholesale and retail sales of beverages. The agency was faced with a task to create a new brand on the niche market, characterized by high appreciation of traditional business model and unwilling perception of anything new.

The graphic sign combines three symbols: S — first letter of the title, snake — temptation, wisdom, secret knowledge, and grape — symbol of fertility, abundance and alcohol. The sign has two variations: a clearer corporate one without a shield for b2b, and a sign with a shield for b2c. In this case the shield helps the small sign to not get lost on a transparent bottle.

Having analysed assets and values of the new brand, the agency has come up with an image: a producer from the world of drinks — an expert who will suggest the main ingredient to make the drink work.

We suggested the title Spiritus — from latin «spirit, soul, life force» — an important immaterial essence of any creature and a slogan «The main part of your drinks» to complement the naming and highlight the main direction of the company’s activities — creation and promotion of alcohol products. Together they work for positioning the product, created «with mind and soul».

Typographics play an important role in the project. Font composition of the logo is typed with contemporary geometric grotesque Campton and has its own strict construction system. Except for the title, the logo also features the foundation date «EST — 18», which underlines young and modern character of the brand, but at the same time its commitment to traditions.

Aristocratic dark blue of conceptual electric tone and classic golden were chosen to become the main colors of the brand — combined, they support the character of the brand: fresh, modern, but at the same time respectful to traditions.

Creative Director Vitaly Afanasiev
Design Director Vladimir Isaev
Art Director Evgenia Abramova
Designer Daniil Solosyatov​​​​​​​
Designer Tatyana Kirichenko
CG designer Rustam Usmanov
Copywriter Anna Kostina
Spiritus. The main part of your drinks