An Adventure with Daphne
 For this project, my somewhat (not really) cooperative model was used. She is Daphne the Miniature Schnauzer. This is a typical afternoon in our backyard while we were picking tomatoes and green beans in our garden. 
 Daphne in her least common position.....still. While it may not seem like much of start to a story, I sure was not going to miss out on taking as many good photos of her in this very photogenic pose. In-camera, I composed it will her in the middle because I was more worried about getting her in focus before she ran off again. So using the Rule of Thirds I cropped it down to this.
Very similar pose with her just turning her head before she ran off on another adventure. I also cropped for the same reason as the first one.
 In an effort to keep my little fur demon child still for photos, my wife assisted by getting her attention with a pair of cherry tomatoes she just picked from our garden. Daphne thinks it's a treat, but this deception can be forgiven for such a photo. I cropped in on this image to show more drama and tension of the tomatoes that Daphne was hoping to be a treat.
 I found the background in this photo to be little distracting, so I felt a health cropping to a ratio better for prints would do. 
One last still pose before she was off again. I felt the black horizon in the upper part of the photo made too much of a contrast so it was cropped to a more print friendly size ratio. 
 Daphne is tired from being a model for the day. She is ready to go back inside, however she likes to check with us to make sure we are ready as well. Honestly, I like the cropped and un-cropped, despite the un-cropped composing of Daphne in the center of the photo. But for the sake of focusing more on those cute eyes glaring at us, I decided to crop in for a more dramatic photo. 
Cropped Portraits

Cropped Portraits
