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Indian Healthy Recipes

How Healthy food recipes are so important in our life?

Who don’t want to have a good health and be a healthy person? I think everyone wants to have a good and healthy life and it should be free from health issues.

But most of the people think in reality, it’s not a big issue if the time comes, we will take care of it, we will work on it, that kind of attitude we do show towards our health.
Keeping a good health is not a big issue, but then the thing is that nowadays our lifestyle is making health issues complicated.

Lifestyle means sleeping time, eating habits, breathing air, hectic life; no exercises etc….these are some of the basic daily activities.

In these habits, one of the main habits which affect our health is our daily eating habits.
What are eating habits? Why we are giving that much focus on this?? Because this is one habit which directly is related to our body?

Today's generation eating habit is totally different from the old generation, our eating habits, the timing of consuming food and following recipes, food are not so healthy.
In those days the eating habits are so simple and healthy and all the recipes which they were following are almost all health beneficial foods with all nutrition on their food.
But nowadays the story is different from food recipes and this yummy kind of junk foods we find tastier than our traditional food. And these are the foods which are not so healthy because of theirs ingredients.

If someone is leading a healthy life, then one of the main reasons is his/her eating habits. For ex – Once a person reaches a certain age, he or she has to compromise on satisfying the taste buds and instead should concentrate on healthy food such as diet foods.

India is a hub for different types of recipes, especially yesteryear recipes are too healthy compared to today’s food, it does not mean they are compromising with taste. Their food and recipes were also tasty and mouthwatering too.

We have many good & healthy tasty recipes in our Indian style, just we need to know the difference between healthy and not so healthy food and by this we can adopt healthy recipes in a daily life.

We will start with a breakfast which is much important in our life.
Breakfast is one of the important meals of the day, in our hurry burry life, we might skip our breakfast but, it's not at all good habit.

In olden days our elders when leaving from home they won’t allow people to leave home without having any food in the morning, like it shows leaving home without having food is not a good habit for health wise also a culture believe also.

Here I want to share one of the famous and healthy breakfasts that is “Idli”
idli or urad dal idli which is a famous breakfast recipe of south India, gradually this breakfast has become famous all over the world.
Idli has different varieties and some of them are…..
 Rava Idli
Akki idli or rice Idli
Mallige idli
Mysore Idli
Tatte Idli
Sweet Idli
Taushe Idli
Many more with little bit variety in tastewise.

Just like interesting variations, the history of the origin of idli also is interesting.
Rava Idli was invented & used in World War II to serve the soldiers; they preferred this food because there was a severe shortage of Rice during this time and Rava was in excess. With Rava they could prepare a healthy food in large quantity in quick time.

Gradually it has become popular healthy food even in the hospital also for patients mostly prefer to provide idli because it is easily digestible and does not strain the body.
If you want to learn and try idli recipe in kitchen follow this below link and prepare idli in south Indian style and enjoy with chutney or sambar.

We will move on from breakfast to lunch food which is also important as breakfast. Mostly we have our lunch outside the home because; the timing of the lunch is in between working hour. So having lunch in school, office anywhere where we are is the place to have our daily lunch.

Sometimes in this busy work schedule for working people who work in field, offices, factories, etc. may skip the lunch and even housewives with their hectic housework.
Students who go to colleges, schools, and who don’t believe in carrying lunch box from home, they usually feel eating outside food is cool.
There are people who eat breakfast at lunch hours and lunch during dinner time. This is not considered as a healthy habit. we need to understand that the timing of having is as important as consuming healthy food.
An ideal time to consume food is mentioned below

Eat within 30 minutes of waking up
The ideal time to have breakfast is 7 am
Make sure to have protein in your breakfast

The ideal time to have lunch is 12.45pm
Try and keep a gap of 4 hours between breakfast and lunch

The ideal time to have dinner is before 7 pm
And try to have a light food in dinner

You should keep a gap of 3 hours between dinner and bedtime.
Lunch and dinner foods can be made tasty without compromising on health benefits.
Here I want to mention one of the traditional and healthy recipes that are called ragi mudde or Ragi Balls. It is one of the oldest and Healthiest Recipes of our rural people.
Ragi is a type of millet which is grown extensively in SouthIndia and particularly in rural Karnataka.

It is a wholesome meal from Karnataka Cuisine and also from some regions of Andhra Pradesh & Tamilnadu, this old recipe of Mudde goes well with any type of Saru and even with NonVeg.

It is one recipe they used to take in all three times meal of a day; this food keeps them energetic and strengthens to work hard, that is the secret of our old generation people health.
If you want ry this traditional healthy recipes follow the below link to to know how to prepare a ragi mudde.

If you are thinking their millets are so organically grown that’s why their food was healthy, yes it is true partially but we have many good healthy recipe and diet recipes and that too without compromising the taste.
If you have determination and dedication towards your health you can follow the healthy food recipes also.

If you want to know more about Healthy recipes, do follow below recipe link which will help you in preparing healthy and diet recipes.

Also for all types of recipes you can visit the below link and learn new recipes every day.

Have a healthy and cheerful life

Indian Healthy Recipes

Indian Healthy Recipes


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