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MARS PROJECT I: Graphic Identity

M A R S,   O U R   N E X T   H O M E   P L A N E T 

Earth is facing a plethora of complex and interconnected problems: pollution, global warming, overpopulation, natural resources depletion, climate change, deforestation, ocean acidification and so many more. Even If we could stop all the problems at a time, this planet has some wounds that will be hard to heal. In the end, we may just need to go somewhere else. The colonization of Mars has always been one of the most fantastical desires for humanity. Now, within the next few years, mankind is at the doors of achieving what before seemed impossible… becoming a planetary civilization.

A  C O H E R E N T   G R A P H I C   I D E N T I T Y 

A logotype for the space missions, rockets and all the corporate material has been designed in order to create a coherent whole. The MARS logo makes use of the Neo Sans typeface which, with some modifications, helps in the representation of the martian horizon with the Earth in the sky (the circle replacing the crossbar in letter "A"). The color palette, representing the earthy tones of the Red Planet, will give strength to the design and will be memorable and characteristic enough to allow a more neutral, minimal and futuristic identity.
1 0   F A C T S   A B O U T   T H E   R E D   P L A N E T

Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system, and it has many differences with the Earth: smaller and further from the sun, with a thinner atmosphere, lower gravity, different mineral composition, different temperature range (with drastic changes between day and night), two irregular shaped moons (Phobos and Deimos), and absence of magnetosphere and liquid water on the surface.
*some data may not be accurate
H O W   W I L L   W E   M A K E   I T   P O S S I B L E ? 

Technology is developing at light speed, and we are already using it to solve some of the most challenging issues we face on Earth. In the future, it is plausible to think that we will be able to export all this technology to outer space. For this project, SpaceX is developing cargos and spaceships along with Nasa, that will allow mankind to put its feet on Mars; The Boring Company specializes on digging tunnels and building underground facilities; Tesla will be responsible for the electrification of the eventual city and finally Hyperloop will be able to provide supersonic transport.

M I N I M A L I S T I C   A E S T H E T I C

The whole idea of the project is to make attractive the idea of traveling to Mars by creating an elegant, sophisticated and minimalistic design which reflects the bright future that Mars could bring to mankind, for Mars will be a new beginning, a new hope for the human race. That is accomplished by clean designs, neutral colors and evocative, quality graphics: aesthetics are not separate from function; aesthetic is also functionality.

A   N E W   F L A G   F O R   A   N E W   H O M E 

The martian colony will need a flag in representation of humanity for practical but also emotional reasons. The flag or identity design proposed is a simplified representation of the city itself in white over a Martian red background. The flag has been designed in the style of Oskar Pernefeldt’s proposal for the international flag of Planet Earth.

A D V E R T I S I N G   T H E   E V E N T 

NASA and SpaceX will advertise the event separately, both under the MARS brand logo. NASA will make use of a realistic, photographical style while SpaceX will create a more futuristic, minimal and monochrome billboards. The concept behind them is the bond between pairs: the Earth and Mars, NASA and SpaceX, public and private, past and future. As for the online material, a responsive website/app including information about Mars, the missions, and the crew has been designed.

T H A N K   Y O U   S O   M U C H !
MARS PROJECT I: Graphic Identity


MARS PROJECT I: Graphic Identity

This is a fictional proposal for a Future City in Mars. In this project I've developed the flag and logo design, the advertising and concepts for Read More
