"Off-Lying", communication project for an art exhibit

Off-lying , in the unlikely event of our internet being cut off  
Communication project for an art exhibit in Imola (Italy) / 2018

 “Off-lying” is the title of an art exhibit featuring works by Gianluca Gimini and the Trash.Been art collective (Marco Fanceschini, Luca Filippi, Alessio Gianella, Marcello Raffo, Nicolò Tromben).
All six of us are designers and share a vision of the exhibit as a moment not only to showcase, but also to design in a broad sense. The curatorial aspects were care of Marco Chiarini, the gallery owner who asked us to put the show together specifically for his gallery in the Italian town of Imola, while issues such as spatial layout, design/construction of display solutions and all communication were a participated process that we consider in continuity with the production of the artworks themselves.


Our choice for the title refers to Marco's original idea for this show: he contacted us asking to imagine what it would be like to bring our digital works -that are specifically produced as Instagram projects- to real life.
“Off-lying” is quite obviously  pronounced similarly to “off-line”, but is also a reference to our proudly provincial origins. 

The artwork we made for the event poster, catalog covers and digital communication, is a bitmap version of the HAHA ceramic sculpture, which was used as a base for the collaborative project we made for the show. Some sloppy handmade type was custom designed and digitalized in a process that is the exact reverse of  the one that brought to life the artworks we made for the art show.




"Off-Lying", communication project for an art exhibit