The Campaign..

Creative Director: Ben Oostekerk

in 2018 I was invited to consult and help to develop the alter-ego look for upcoming soccer boot Phantom VSN. In the process I've created portraits of player alter egos and campaign posters promoting the hidden nature and strengths of players featured in the campaign, most notably: Phil Coutinho, Kevin De Bruyne.

The production has begun with developing the look and feel for alter-ego portraits through quick sketches. The intent was to find the right visual language that matches traits that players exhibit on soccer field. Those strengths were then broken down to categories: warrior, illusionist, sniper and assassin. 
After initial sketching phase, we chose one design for each alter-ego to develop those to full poster images. Those would include half portraits that later would be used as campaign posters as well as digital animations in video as well as full figure action posters. Alter-egos base was built entirely in 3d, using 3ds Max software alongside V-Ray rendering engine.
The final images for were completed with base render layerd with Photoshop overpaint work to reach the desired look and quality. Below are some of the crop examples of two alter-egos - Warrior and Assassin.
Phantom VSN

Phantom VSN

Illustrations for Nike Awaken the Phantom campaign
