Newriver official's profile

Newriver Web/Mobile Renewal

Brand New Brands.
Newriver website and mobile web renewal.

To celebrate the 7th anniversary of the foundation of the Newriver, we have updated it with a reactive web site to renew our website and enhance convenience.
We will share the stories and cultures of the Newrivers, not the dull, boring information provision of companies. We will provide our customers with brand trust from the Newriver and provide our visitors with a variety of stories about the Newriver. We want to communicate positive business communications.

Thinking from the perspective of the customer​​​​​​​

We have actively communicated with our customers (users) through our portfolio, story and life channels. We have been designed and designed to enhance user's understanding about the company through the rich information about Newriver and to make it easy and convenient for everyone with the design guide established and the lean UI system considering the accessibility and convenience of the site.
Simple and clear LOOK & FEEL to enhance corporate identity.

Newriver does a lot with colorful, valuable companies, brands.
The results with the various customers are highlighted in the web and in the mobile site frame.  And the design was minimal and simple to focus on the colorful stories of the NewRiver`s people Enhanced with intuitive and simple UI that provides efficient portfolio exposure and easy access to information.
Minimalism to deliver content effectively.

To enhance content concentration, we focused on image and text presentation to eliminate as many complex elements as possible and adhere to the basic design elements. It is designed to provide effective visual content delivery by making the image area wide, and to ensure that natural section configurations do not cause inconvenience in recognizing content with the flow of eyes.
Implement optimized layout to express value in Newriver.

A layout of CENTER alignment was used to convey and express the same experience as the optimized screen for various devices. With more intensive content exposure, the company induced easy and fast acquisition of information by allowing users to search for contents with a minimum of one page scrolling.
A Newriver Story with a Positive Mind.

Newriver works with pleasure. And those people are gathered. We, and our families, want to be happy, and we want to talk about the travel of the Newrivers, the workshops, and so on. Five years later, 10 years later than now, I want you to be happy.
The varied faces of the Newriver`s people.

It is the contents of people who can express various facial expressions of the Newriver people and their thoughts and stories. With everyone from founding members to new members looking at the same place and trying to get away, Newriver wants to share more stories and ideas. Various experiences and a wide variety of people come together to create a colorful outcome of the Newriver.
The Story of Newriv'er'.

If Steve Jobs is in Korea, would you believe it?
The stories of daily life and work of Newriver people who have rich and rich experiences We prepared a live interview of the New River people to get closer to our customers.
we don't have a talent for speaking and writing, but we've worked hard to prepare these stories.
It starts now.
Flexible display for various environments.

We have implemented efficient exposure to the web as well as PCs and tablets. The results were generated through consideration by each team member in order to present various information effectively and simply. Today's experience is the future of Newriver. It will be Insight with more experience.
The friendly Newriver Web site.

The Newriver Web site renewal has published itself as a reactive site that responds to all resolutions. We considered implementing UI by resolution and linear motion using rotate. People's List uses a technique called sprite animation. We asked employees to make a face that was unique when they were over the face.

Convenient, reliable service for both users and administrators.

Newriver Renewals used AngularJS 1.5 unlike regular websites.
AngularJS is the MVC (or MVW Model View Whatever) web framework developed by Miko Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009. With AngularJS, maintenance is easy and development speed is fast. And view updates are easy with easy data binding.
Building a robust site with a stable core.

Functional separation is clear and easy to do in collaboration, and the same code pattern reduces individual differences and reduces the amount of source code. Finally, it's optimized for single-page Web application (SPA) development. Continuing to adapt to the diverse flow of web development, Newriver is introducing AngularJS to its Newriver Renewal Project.
Newriver Web/Mobile Renewal

Newriver Web/Mobile Renewal

Newriver Web/Mobile Renewal


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