Katharina Graff-Haberbosch's profile

1918 – AR-app about the marine's mutiny

1918 – AR-app about the marine's mutiny. Final bachelor project (2017).
My bachelor project has been an app about the marine's mutiny 1918, which took place at the end of world war one  in my hometown Kiel. I created an augmented reality app, because I wanted to reach young people and create an interesting way for education and historical events.
This app was my first try with this technology. I created the app with Unity3D and Vuforia, for the first time I built 3D-Objects with Cinema4D and Rhino3D on my own.
It was a great project because of the emotional value and the historical facts which I had to research on my own in the archives of the city.
The research for my first 3D-Building: the historical Mainstation close to the habour in Kiel.

Thank you for watching! Gracias por mirar! Danke für's Anschauen!

1918 – AR-app about the marine's mutiny

1918 – AR-app about the marine's mutiny

My bachelor project has been an app about the marine's mutiny 1918, which was at the end of world war one and took place in my homecity Kiel. I c Read More
