Manzur Ghozaali's profile

the love with you (wallpaper)

so, I created this wallpaper based on parody word from starwars. no more wars, create better place for lives. wallpapers for smartphone (640 x 960 px), regular desktop (1024x768 px), tablet (1024x1024px) and widescreen dekstop (1920x1200px). if you wanted another size please comment below.
widescreen 1920 x 1200 px
regular dekstop 1024 x 768 px
smartphone 640 x 960 px
tablet 1024 x 1024 px
you can cownload here, and the password is : ghozai
hope you will like it. thanks for appreciated this one. 
the love with you (wallpaper)


the love with you (wallpaper)

some wallpaper I made based on starwars parody
