Turning passion into profits

Vitality is a Business Accelerator passionately focused on building successful businesses. Working with companies with different sizes and scales, Vitality creates customized programs that help its clients achieve their fullest potential and maximum business success. Understanding that women do business differently, one of their key focuses is to support female-led businesses.

Chosen to work on the branding identity of Vitality, ZERO11 took off from the idea of combining the advisory and knowledgeable aspect of the company with its friendly and collaborative approach. The result was a visual identity that inspired trust without being too rigid, using a sober yet friendly palette of colors, a simple yet elegant logo, and a straightforward layout distinguished by a typographic pairing.

The classic gold foil finish used across the warm, uncoated emerald green of the business card gives a feel of craft that is consolidated with a nice high quality flourish, exuding a sense of contemporary simplicity. The same feel is applied on the high-quality material and textures of the corporate brochure and collateral, setting the tone for a familiar yet luxurious identity.


Branding and visual identity design for Business Accelerator
