Ark of Seed
April 2014 - May 2014
Interaction Design
Ting-Yang Chou, Wei-Teng Lin, I-Ning Chen, Fang-Shuan Chang, Tse-Chia Huang
As a famous agricultural city in Taiwan, Yilan provides a variety of crops for Taiwanese families. Recent years, Yilan government encourages local farmers to switch into organic farming. Therefore, plenty of farmers start to grow different kinds of organic crops in this region.

We visited Xing-Jian organic villiage and saw how they applied organic farming to their own farmland. Through interviewed with the local farmers, we tried to understand the meaning of organic farming and the situations they faced.
Research & Analysis
Without using any pesticide and artificial fertilizer, farmers needed to remove the weeds and insects constantly by hands, which were heavy burden for them. So just few farmers were willing to engage in organic farming.

After visiting Xing-Jian organic village. Our team found that the main problem they faced was about the market. As organic food are expensive in Taiwan, the market is still developing. Therefore, our goal would be promote organic foods and expand the market.
We planned to hold an mobile exhibition in the trucks. The exhibition van consists of four parts: Conventional Farming Display, Organic Farming Display, From Farm to Fork, and Blindfolded Taste Experience. The audiences will learn about organic farming throughout this Process. 
Conventional Farming Display
Films will be played in Conventional Farming Display section and the audiences will set their perspective as a crop to explore the consequence of using pesticides in farming through sight, hearing and smelling.

 At the beginning of the film is the scenery of a vibrant farmland still with insects and weeds.
 As long as the farmer starts to use pesticides and herbicides, insects and weeds are terminated from the farmland.
 Infertile land for any kind of crop is the aftermath of using pesticides.​​​​​​​
Organic Farming Display
In Organic Farming Display section, the film will show how a farm change after switching from conventional farming to organic farming. The audiences will still set as a crop and experience the environmental transformation.

① A farmland without any cultivation.
② Instead of using chemical pesticides, farmers pull off weeds by hand. Organic farming becomes a substitution method.
③ The farmland gradually becomes prosperous. The pleasant music from various kinds of insects and birds chirping can be heard. 
From Farm to Fork
Using infographic, From Farm to Fork compares the difference of environment, safety, nutrition, economics, and taste between organic and conventional farming. It aims to make the audiences realize how much change it will bring if they choose a different consuming mode.

This area will also play videos of why organic farmers and consumers support organic products.​​​​​​​
Blindfolded Taste Experience
Lastly, the Blindfolded Taste Area invites audiences to taste and compare the rice from organic and conventional farming. The purpose of blindfolding is to make audiences more concentrate on the sense of “taste.”

We also provide information of surrounding organic shops for audiences who want to join this lifestyle.
A message board is installed for receiving feedbacks from audiences and future adjustments can be made accordingly.

In order to attract attention, the van is specially furnished with plywood, with our logo printed on. The last area will trigger the curiosity from audiences by displaying only parts of the exhibition via transparent glasses.
Jamming all these elements into a van, the exhibition will actively drive into the social circle of rather passive audiences. By the van exhibition, we hope to implant the “seed of organic lifestyle” into the mind of audiences, and the “seed” will eventually spread widely in between different groups of people.
Ark of Seed

Ark of Seed

A more interactive way to promote organic agriculture.
