Muses by Christy Lee Rogers
Obsessed with the transformative qualities of water, Rogers uses it once again as her muse, pushing toward a new boundary for herself both artistically and emotionally.  This collection of entirely new work, thus titled Muses, is derived from the sources of that inspiration itself, and the depths to which an individual will go to find and hold on to that inspiration, until a new spark of insight is needed, once its predecessor has vanished.  It's this mechanism that Rogers delves deep into and what she reveres, as it is common to all of us and never ending.  She finds in the creation of a body of work all this trapped passion, which is then finally unleashed in all its glory, but then so it fades and to be desired yet again.  Out of this desire to connect with the universe, a quest for certain knowledge of what is beyond our current reality is then intensified, after having had some glimpse of the possibilities deep down into our own ship of treasures, filled with immaterial and material wealth.


June 23 – Aug 8, 2018
101 Haifang Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, PR China


Muses Underwater Baroque Photography
