Proposed Concept, following the visual guidelines already established. By the time this concept was proposed, the guide book was still in a developing stage.
Logo and colour values for the CMYK and RGB system.
Farmkart Report Template
When I joined the design team we developed several products working under the UX/UI Designer and other Graphic Designer in the team. I started with the template we would be using for the monthly and annual reports. 
The idea was to enhance the branding colours, typefaces and layout styles already discussed on our meetings, so that anybody could fill out the report as they need. 

Here, the initial sketches for the layout and graphic styles. 
The flat design of the cover page for the report template.
The Report Template
Once this cover was approved, the next step was to simplify the internal pages so anybody could add the info the may need. As I thought the cover was quite "powerful", I decided to go with a more minimal clean design. Considering that these pages may contain lots of information, I tried to minimize the amount of elements to the minimum possible.
The idea was to give it a modern look, a fresh and technological feeling as well as representing and not forgetting the green colour that represents both Farmkart and the green vegetation in the agriculture industry.
Hopefully the expectations were met, the design worked and the template was easy to use.
Social Media Templates
In addition to this report template and following the concept developed from that project, we started experimenting with the style of our social media photography treatment. How the layout should be designed, the colours, text sizes and the readability in general for small screens using Facebook, Instagram or Twitter mainly. 
Here a look of the 3 final templates using photography and texts, mainly. 

Initial Sketches
Thank you for watching. Any feedback will be appreciated.



Farmkart is an agri-tech innovation company with a mission to design technology-driven solutions that make agricultural inputs. Farmkart aims to Read More
