Sanaa Rahman's profile

Personal Identity


My identity is inspired by simple geometric shapes found in nature such as squares, triangles and lines. These shapes are used in a simple but bolder way to represent my identity and reflect the idea of dynamism, clarity, friendliness, growth and creativity. 
My name is my indentity.  Each letter of my name is illustrated using geometrical shapes on grid system. 
The three colors tones used in my brand are :-
Coral pink :  It reflects my personality, passion and friendliness.
Electric lime : It suggests nature and energy. It signifies adventure, growth and renewal, as well as self control, 
compassion, balance and harmony. 
Grey : It's to be used on all my written documents. It ensures seriousness and the methodology that I place in my practice, which gives a trustworthy image.
Typography plays an important role in reflecting and preserving my values, essence and personality. 
The primary Latin typeface used throughout all the communications is the Futura font family. It is the 
appropriate typeface for representing my brand mark. It is a modern Sans-Serif typeface that compliments the geometric shapes of my brand and achieves an overall balance.
Each letter of my name is designed using geometrical shapes to represent my identity. These letters are positioned in such a manner to form the shape of a kite representing one unity. 
• Kite is a symbol of sport and freedom, achieving dreams anchored in reality and exploring new horizons. It also 
symbolises pride and independence. 
• The upward movement of the pointed lines and triangles in the form of an arrow symbolize focus, target and dynamic growth. 
• The color coral pink refects my passion for design and the electric lime green suggests nature from where I draw inspiration. The color tones make my brand more approachable and friendly. 
•The grey color is used in the typeface ensuring seriousness and the methodology that I place in my practice, which gives a trustworthy image. 
• The overall look and feel of my logo reflects a balance of seriousness and friendliness which I believe is a must for my identity.
There are four ways to apply color variations to my signature. 
• When applying the brandmark on own materials, the brand mark can appear in full color on white background. 
• When applied onto corporate colored backgrounds, the brand mark should be treated according to the guidelines shown here. It can either be converted to full black on light backgrounds or full white on dark backgrounds. 
• When the brandmark is placed on coral pink background, the colors should be used as shown below. 
Personal Identity

Personal Identity

My Personal Identity brand


Creative Fields