Natalie A Palumbo's profile

"BUILD Brunch" Show Graphics

As a Motion Graphics Designer for AOL, I collaborated with other graphic designers to develop a graphics package for the live interview series "BUILD Brunch". This series is a morning talk/interview show which discusses topical events with hosts sharing their individual perspectives. 

I was responsible for character designs and looping backgrounds, as well as supporting graphics based on subject matter. Each graphic was designed from a style guide provided by AOL, and green lighted for presentation prior to the broadcast. 

Music "Starfizz" by Fabien Langard & Philippe Villar 
Film & Animation by Natalie A Palumbo
[Posted With Permission by Yahoo!, BUILD, and AOL Studios]
"BUILD Brunch" Show Graphics

"BUILD Brunch" Show Graphics

As a Motion Graphics Designer for AOL, I collaborated with other graphic designers to develop a graphics package for the live interview series "B Read More
