Vintage beauty

The most beautiful an feminine women were in the past. Sadly because they had to, but no on can deny that they were on the top of their sensuality and softness. Elegant and unreal, they were gliding down the streets in flying dresses creating an unique atmosphere of warmth and peace. Their careless and a bit naive looks gave this world a shade of  beauty and style. Being mothers, wives and daughters, they were keeping the spirit of home and family. These concepts are a long time buried in the past, but there was a bit of sense in it. 
In this post, I will show some notorious pictures of women from the past or some successful imitations of them. I hope that after this post you will share my love for the past fashion and its finesse. 
If you are interested in the vintage fashion and rare pieces of clothing, then visit Export Portal. 
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Vintage Fashion

Vintage Fashion
