RATP - Paris' future metro, France

Paris' future metro, France  

RATP is getting ready to buy 350 Metro trains to replace three generations of ageing rolling stock running on six lines of the

Paris Metro. RATP wanted to implement a service design contract with the aim of injecting innovations into the operational specifications drawn up and sent to the manufacturers responsiblefor building this new metro, ensuring that the design of the vehicle is as close as possible to user needs.

RATP commissioned Yellow Window to design the services, hinging the project around immersion-based ethnographic observations and co-design workshops involving multiple RATP stakeholders.

Following the observations and co-design workshops, Yellow Window structured an ideas book in the form of a “Metro lab”, presenting the potential innovations based on the passenger experience: arriving in the train, taking their place in the train, information in the train, comfort in the train and preparing to get out.

The 30 ideas from the Metro lab were presented and assessed by 40 people in four focus groups led by the IPSOS institute.

Yellow Window then completed the ideas book giving details and reasons for each proposed solution based on the choices of users and RATP experts.

The RATP internal design management team then drew up the design specifications for future rolling stock based on this document.

RATP - Paris' future metro, France