Milena M Petrova's profile

Coca-Cola Promo Bar Platform

The Coca-Cola Promo Bar Platform that is designed for Coca-Cola in Bulgaria consists of two main divisions: for Customers and Bartenders. The main idea is for customers to be able to vote for the bartenders and, while having fun, collect points and be eligible for prizes. And the bartenders are registered in the platform and participate in a lottery for a great prize, which is a trip abroad.
There was a very strict guideline that had to be monitored and followed throughout the process of creating the platform.

The Bartenders Division of the Platform
The Bartenders have to register in the platform so the customers can vote for them. They have to upload a photo and their name. When they are in their Platform account they can also upload photos of the venue they work in, so it collects votes too and the customers see the rating of the venue. Once they create an account, they can change their information at any time or delete it.
They have to make a perfect serve of Coca-Cola when customer order it by itself or with other drinks.
There is color coding for the venues. Depending on the number of points collected by the venue, it is colored on the map with the corresponding color: gray, orange or red. Red is the most points.
The Platform is responsive.

When customers want to vote for a bartender or simply see which highest-ranking establishment is closest to them, they need to register on the platform. Once they create an account, they can change their information at any time or delete it.
The color coding of venues on the map helps customers find out which venue closest to them is with the best bartenders and the best service. Depending on the number of points collected by the venue, it is colored on the map with the corresponding color: gray, orange or red. Red is the most points.
By giving an opinion the customer enters in a lottery for great prizes: party trip, backpack or action camera. 
In order for more customers to understand about the platform, we made beverage pads for the venues.
To promote the platform for the bartenders there were leaflets in every venue that participated in the platform.
Thank you
 for watching.
Coca-Cola Promo Bar Platform

Coca-Cola Promo Bar Platform

Coca-Cola Promo Bar Platform
