
Brand Identity, Art Direction, Editorial, Web Design

The ReMember Project creates the corporate identity of three days of conferences, debates, and round tables, as well as two weeks of exhibitions at La Casa Encendida in Madrid about the negative body image which creates much discomfort among women today, specifically in many women dedicated to artistic creation. This meeting will serve as a reflection, memory, and tribute to those who, since the 1960s, have represented themselves or depicted the female body in their works, using it as a vindication of a new aesthetic code, as a protest, self-affirmation or public manifestation of pain and discomfort. 

The word ReMember brings together the reflexive and emotional act of remembering and, if read separately, reflects the act of gathering the fragmented, redefining and reinterpreting a certain reality from a new feminine vision. 




Diseño de la identidad corporativa para unas jornadas sobre imagen corporal y arte de mujeres.
