Töre EREL's profile

Campus Näckrosdammen

Campus Näckrosdammen
Campus Näckrosdammen was a concept development project we have conducted at the Gothenburg University, HDK, with the administratives from the municipality as well as the mayor of Gothenburg. The project has also brought together both Business Design, MA and Design, MA students.
Ultimate mission was to set a standart and to create a vision for the next big Gothenburg University Campus which will be stationed at the heart of the Gothenburg City, Näckrosdammen public park.
‘Näckrosdammen’ public park is stationed really close to the center of the Gothenburg City. There are a lot of points of interests surronding the park, such as the Konst Museum, Hasselblad Center Museum, ‘Liseberg’ one of the biggest amusement park of the northern Europe so on.. The park has already had 2 of the major buildings for the Gothenburg University outlining it’s exits.
For the first chapter of the practice:
Two Business Design, MA and two Design, MA students were put together into 10 groups each. A 10 x 10 grid has been distributed over the landscape of Näckrosdammen – as seen on the images – each group has randomly given a section as well as a perspective to study. Our group were responsible for one of the most critical location of the park, The crossroads.

We had circled the park with a voice recorder on an random time of the day and gathered as much sound as possible focusing on the key locations. We had created our section for the mockup of the landscape with the minimalistic approach backing it up with voice narration and imagery from the park.
All the groups has put together a small vernisage, exhibiting their portions of the 10 x 10 grid. After the examination from our peers, we have put the designs on a large table to construct a small mockup of the campus.
Second chapter of the practice:
To visualize and to create the experience the vision for the next campus. We have decided to create multiple perspectives and scenarios. For this, we have created a board game based on the campus. We have created different personas as players / player cards such as, a student, an elderly man/woman, a tourist, a family, a gardener at the park. Each had different stories and things to do at the park. With the pins and dice, you move around the park as a visitor and experience different scenarios on key locations with drawing your card. We have also created numerous events for each visitor depending on the time of the year, the weather, holidays etc so that you really get a grip of the idea of having a publicly open campus in the center of the city as a visitor and what you might expect to experience there.

Our idea was deemed “eye-catching” and selected as the best project to simulate a future scenario in a fun way.
Thanks to;
Josefin Klintberg
Hanna Fogelberg
Kristina Jacobson
Photo Credit : Tore Erel

The First Chapter
The Second Chapter
Campus Näckrosdammen

Campus Näckrosdammen

Future Visions for the Gotheburg University's new campus.
