kevin hemelaar's profile

Background Design - Bovarr's mysterious house

For a personal project of mine i had create the interior of a large shack located deep within the woods. The owner should be a large mystery to the viewer, and the interior therefor has to raise question-marks.

To sketch and to observe

This is Bovarr’s workplace, the area in his shack he spends the most time in. I’ve decided to decorate it with plants since that is his passion, and also make it a little bit of a tidy mess. Everything has a certain place in his home, he has a rythm and structure to everything he does and that shows. Also on the wall you can spot a picture of Shay, Onyx and Rick, three humans he has developed a special affection for in his heart and home. The drawing table is where he sketches newly found plant species or minerals, documenting it in his books.

The story of Bovarr

For my personal project (with the working title Future Vision) i developed a character that plays a key part in the main narrative of the show.
This character – who goes by the name of Bovarr – is part of a race of beings called the “Kylma”, beings made of a combination of ice and crystal fragments that inhabited parts of Scandinavia a long time ago.

Background Design - Bovarr's mysterious house

Background Design - Bovarr's mysterious house

Background design
