This is the final version of my gamemaker app which was created and inspired by mental health and how people may need distractions or a way to release their feelings or frustration but not in a negative way 
The marks on the paper are what I did to create the foley sounds for my game however I didn't end up using them due to the fact that the play rate of the clips wasn't right and it was affecting the quality of my work
Here are the assets I created using Adobe illustrator I wanted it to be quite simplistic the design so it doesn't detract away from the point of the app. So everything is very minimal. I wanted to be able to indicate that it was an app so I created the iphone mockup. 
Here is the process of the layout of my app and how it developed, intially it was just a blank canvas, I then tried incorparating a background (grid) then felt it took too much attention away from the app itself I then tried to get the colour palette to work before I focused too much on the look of the app. I added iphone asset I made then developed the layout further and got all the coding finished
Gamemaker App

Gamemaker App

Gamemaker App
