GENOVAcontrasti | workshop

City analysis and communication

Keyword: contrasts.
This project wants to communicate the complexity of the city of Genoa through its contrasts.
The old town is characterized by the typical maritime architecture that alternates white and black marble in horizontal lines. Large central streets are connected crosswise by small paths between the houses (in dialect caruggi), each area has its own character. It is a continuous alternation of spaces, colors and emotions, often contrasting. These contrasts are also present in the descriptions that the great authors make when they talk about their experience in the city, because Genoa is never what we expect.

The requested product is a foldable poster in A1 format.

Phases of project elaboration:
Research and analysis of the communication projects of a city: references to editorial products, drawings by architects, illustrations, "theoretical-experimental" images, cinematographic products, existing city brands, ...
Research on Genoa: architecture, materials, colors, spatiality, noises, urban sections, infrastructural system, territory, coastline, collective places, ...
Identification of the theme and point of view to describe the city: analysis of key words such as degradation, value, hybridization, "loss", crisis, vitality, memory, actuality, future, utopia
Project: choice of method and technique of representation, semantics and semiotics of the sign, lettering, layout design and naming

front and back of the project and display order during unfolding phase
Questo progetto è stato realizzato durante il secondo anno del corso di laurea in Design del Prodotto e della Comunicazione presso l'Università di Genova.
Laboratorio di design per il prodotto - A.A. 2017/2018 - prof.ssa Bistagnino & prof. Castellano
GENOVAcontrasti | workshop

GENOVAcontrasti | workshop

Project developed during a graphics and communication workshop. The objective is to create a foldable print that summarizes a specific theme to r Read More
