Expiry Date: Today
Money does not have an expiry date, but people do

Synopsis: I am designing for families and people to incentivise them to spend more time with their
loved ones. A lot of my messages are targeted towards parents with young kids, or just to bring
back the love between couples. Some are also catered to love in other forms such as friendship and companionship. They will be able to send on a message to let their loved ones know they miss them or appreciate them.

Creative Strategy: Users are to peel a message today to write to your loved ones with all the cards
have different sayings. After which, they peel of an envelope which makes up the main title, and they can give the card to anyone they have written to. A lot of us are lazy to write or make a card for someone so having cards on display with messages makes it fun and interactive.

Peel to reveal the message- Money Can Wait
Money does not have an expiry date, but people do

Expiry Date Today

Expiry Date Today
