Granville Carroll's profile

The Primitive Calling

The Primitive Calling 
Artist Statement
The Primitive Calling speaks to the idea of seeking knowledge within. The images represent the desire to reconnect and rediscover the source of our being and who we are . Each image works to extend the concepts of reality and spark a conversation within. They open the door to the mind, allowing us to begin to question who we really are. By looking inward we answer the call to connect with the self. The narrative created is one that only can be seen in the mind. It attempts to look into the unconscious through conscious eyes.  
What interest me is how process changes how we perceive an image or an object. These images began as full color digital composites. Using the Van Dyke technique I was able to transform the digital image. I printed the image onto a transparency and made a contact print. Using alternative processes was new to me and posed many challenges. It was a lesson that sometimes going back to the beginning is difficult, but through it we can find healing. By combining 19th and 21st century processes I sought to expand not only the visual elements but also the conceptual and emotional elements.
The Primitive Calling

The Primitive Calling

A series of images created using digital technology and alternative photographic processes. It is a conceptual series expressing ideas concerning Read More
