ANKIT ANAND's profile

The beauty of Mumbai, India

Mumbai, can’t just be described in a word. A word not limited to mean itself, The so called city, city of dreams, city of lakhs of people, the financial powerhouse, what else to say, the fashion, the love, the seas, the people, the crowd, the market.
Everything here is going so fast, one second is home for millions of dreams, millions of memories, lakhs and crores of stories, number of possibilities. 

Being in a marine college, I hardly get time to go out and capture things. It was little difficult for me, not only because Mumbai is so big, but due to my tight schedule of the college. Mumbai has an old history and its own culture. Artists call her their muse, and a common Mumbaikar will tell you, that there's no place like Mumbai. The architectural monuments, Gateway of India, Hotel Taj, Shivaji Park, Marine Drive are some of the common places, where people come to see the best of the city. From artists to writers, filmmakers to tourists – Mumbai has captured the imagination of every soul that has stepped in the city. The city has made dreams come true for many. So for me, this can’t just be a city but a place which is special to everyone’s heart. And not to forget, Mumbai is India’s financial powerhouse, fashion epicentre, and India’s most prolific film industry.
So I took a step to show this beautiful city in a beautiful way. Thanks!

About me-
My name is Ankit Anand and I am a now a final year student (4th year) doing B.Tech in Marine Engineering from Indian Maritime University, Mumbai Port Campus- MERI, Mumbai, India- 400033

Also check out the teaser below-
The beauty of Mumbai, India

The beauty of Mumbai, India

The beauty of Mumbai, India
