
Experience and knowledge is crucial for camping trips. This limits inexperienced campers from the joys of exploring new places. The amount of preparation is daunting, and leads many people to feel like they won’t be able to do it, or the effort is not worth the reward. Landmark is a digital guide that connects people to nature and makes the world possible. This is done through an app/website that acts as a guide through the process of planning a trip through 
The World Made Possible

I conducted research into the current camping apps, the ideal user, usability mapping and all of the ways to make Landmark a useful download. This allowed me to create a usable app prototype that uses technology to connect people to nature. ​​​​​​​

After the research I focused on the brand of Landmark. The goal of the brand was to create something that made new campers feel empowered and excited about camping. 
The name and identity for Landmark is based on the guide you look to, similar to a mountain or a large piece of rock. Camping experience is personalized with landmarks within the app. 


Landmark is a digital guide that connects people to nature and makes the world possible.
