"Loss and Gain"-Propaganda for urban development
This topic is an exprienmental solution of how to built a communicating bridge between goverment and household whose house is going to be removed in the urban renewal campaign for the 2008 Beijing Olympic game.
One day I was passing a Cottage Areas near the DongZhimen region,I happened to hear a serious arguement between residents' committee officers and household about Cottage demolition. The household can not bear to move out of the poor cottage they lived for years. But this area would be built converted into a piece of greenbelt, So I wanted to evoke their public consciousness through graphic design.
The first attempt is to express the idea through a poster,which can be teared apart,and its front side is
printed a cottage area picture,the backside is a green belt picture. In this way, people can get a part of green belt picture while they are tearing apart a piece of cattage picture. removeing cottages will get the greenbelt in return.
Later on, I found people may ignore poster could be teared apart. Considering that I determind to use a group of booklets,which are laid on a shelf, to make up the picture.
Loss and Gain

Loss and Gain

"Loss and Gain"


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