Book series for the Petőfi Museum of Literature

Book series for the Petőfi Literary Museum

The 200th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest classics of Hungarian literature, János Arany, is commemorated by the Petőfi Museum of Literature with a memorial exhibition, with the aim of familiarizing the audience with the lesser known faces of the poet. In connection with this, the museum published a series of 4 volumes of books, each dealing with the exhibition from different approaches. The collection contains a Study Book, which contains the writings of contemporary authors about János Arany. The Iconography volume contains all pictures of the poet made in his life. The Subject Catalogue is about the legacy of the poet and his family; and the last volume is the official catalogue of the exhibition.
We intended to design a common layout for the completely different contents so that a 9-grade grid system was created in the first phase of the work, which all books are based on. In addition, each volume has its own set of rules and images that are tailored to the particular content.
The coloured fleck passing through the spine of all volumes reinforces that they belong to the same collection. We also took advantage of printing technology on two covers. On the cover of Iconography, the montage of images of the poet at various stages of his life was made by duotone printing, and we complemented the pixel graphics of the cover of the Exhibition Catalogue by breaking up the coloured fleck and by using UV-varnished pixels.​​​​​​​

spreads from the fourth volume
triple timeline from the Study Book / world history – contemporary literature – the poet's life
spreads from the Subject Catalogue
Illustrations from the Study Book with tracing paper

Year: 2018
Client: Petőfi Literary Museum
Art direction: László Ördögh
Design: Dorottya Perneczki

Font: Basis Grotesque Pro
Illustrations of the first volume: Zoltán Németh
Illustration of the fourth volume cover: János Brückner

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Book series for the Petőfi Museum of Literature