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"Welcome to FI$Cal" Video

"Welcome to FI$Cal" Video
The video “Welcome to FI$Cal” is the Department of FI$Cal’s introductory “elevator speech.” In under two minutes, it describes the mission and goals of the FI$Cal system that serves the 5th largest economy in the world and integrates cash management, budget, procurement and accounting functions into one platform. The video describes the benefits of the FI$Cal system for the general public, the state workers who transact within it, and administrators who make decisions based on the transparency the FI$Cal system provides.

This video was produced using Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Using Adobe Audition, filter words (e.g. “um,” “uh,” etc.) and breathing noises were removed from the track, and the voiceover audio levels were brought to line level. Using Capture Noise Print, the room sound was adjusted to minimize any extra audio fuzz or room tone while maintaining the integrity of the voice. Also using Adobe Audition, the instrumental pop music was produced to provide an energetic soundscape.

For the bumper slide with FI$Cal’s logo, After Effects was used to key frame in the “One state. One system.” logo and slogan, and to have the gold sweep across California, which represents the strength of the change that FI$Cal will bring to the state of California. After Effects was also used to produce the animation with the blue binary code imposed over the Capitol building, It represents the technology and modernizaton that the FI$Cal system brings to the state’s business processes. In collaboration with FI$Cal’s graphic designer, the magnifying glass effect was created in layers in Adobe Illustrator, exported to Photoshop, animated as a Photoshop file and key framed in Adobe After Effects to represent the insight and transparency of how tax dollars are spent in California. Premier Pro was used to bring all of these digital elements together to produce this video.

Project Credits:
James Anderson – Videographer & Project Lead
John Ewing – Graphic Designer

The Financial Information System of California (FI$Cal) serves the 5th largest economy in the world and integrates the state of California’s cash management, budget, procurement and accounting functions onto one platform.
"Welcome to FI$Cal" Video

"Welcome to FI$Cal" Video

"Welcome to FI$Cal" Video
