LLNL Communicates Creatively with Video

At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), our mission is to make
the world a safer place by understanding more about how it works. “The
Lab,” as we call it, performs some of the most groundbreaking science in
the world, attracting the brightest minds from all over the globe. We tackle
projects that range from working toward fusion energy to assessing the
future impact of climate change, from maintaining the nation’s nuclear
stockpile to finding better cancer drugs. We’re home to some of the world’s
unique facilities, like the world’s largest and most energetic laser (the
National Ignition Facility, or NIF) and some of the world’s fastest

But all of this presents a unique challenge: In pursuing our commitment to
outreach, education and transparency, how do we communicate this kind of
complex, high-level technical information to the public? We want to be able
to reach people, both in our local and global communities, and express just
how exciting all of the scientific and technological progress is. We want to
inspire the next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers and
mathematicians to change the world. And we want the general public, which
funds us through their tax dollars, to understand what we do and why.

As we’ve progressed into the digital age, our communication strategies have
pivoted. We’ve grown sizable followings on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and
other platforms, posting daily to engage with new demographics and to
open up the personal side of the science, which can sometimes feel like an
impenetrable institution. One of the most impactful ways we’ve pursued this
change is by creating engaging, fun, timely and accessible videos that
feature our science and our people — and we’ve had an amazing response.
Our viewers and followers, as well as our employees and our government
sponsors, have been hugely receptive to this kind of content. These videos
are shared with friends and family, they are used by teachers who play the
videos in classrooms, and they are cited by members of Congress who are
looking for better understanding of complex science and technology. They
are not only bringing people closer together, but also bringing them closer to the science. In a world increasingly defined by digital relevance, we recognize that revolutionizing our communication around the science is just as important as the revolutionary science itself.

We’ve been successful in the pursuit of our goals: to connect and engage
with the lay public outside of the Lab, to spark an awareness of and an
interest in what we do, and cultivate a culture of entertainment and outreach
around this pioneering work we do in the nation’s interest. The videos we
have included in our submission here are merely a representative sample, and we
encourage you to visit our YouTube channel to explore even further.
May 17th, 2018
LLNL Communicates Creatively with Video

LLNL Communicates Creatively with Video

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) makes high-level, complex scientific and technical work more accessible and understandable by produ Read More
