Project based on first time practicing 3D compositing with Redshift renderer.

Tools - Cinema 4D, Redshift, After Effects

Prework is just as important as the execution. Good back plates and HDRis' is core to an equivalent chance of a good and realistic composition.

I would always recommend to shoot your own back plates to make your work more unique which is kind of ironic since I throughout this project only used stock images. Though due to current lack of equipment of course.

If you would like to try this as well I would recommend to use HDRis' which in some cases also provide with a several back plates shooted in RAW so you could see the camera settings and be able to recreate a close replica of your own. They are all for free and I highly recommend it.

All scenes are lit by only one HDRi which obviously makes them physically incorrect as the cars are distributed on different locations per different scene (the reason why you should shoot your own scenes). But for what it's worth I believe this is a very good way to quickly come up with something that yet is realistic. Each frame took approximately 1-2 min to render. 
Bentley Sunset


Bentley Sunset

A personal practice project made in c4d, redshift, after effects & photoshop
