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Do You Truly Understand The Power Of Your Words?

Do You Truly Understand The Power Of Your Words?

A studio project work designed for Singapore Children's Society on the theme of bullying, "Do You Truly Understand The Power Of Your Words" is targeted to students, mostly focusing on verbal bullying. This helps to create a rise of awareness to the public whether they truly understand how their words are able to hurt the people around them. The objective of the project is to raise awareness and to educate people about the harm of verbal bullying, to encourage people to stop bullying others as it might harm than more than you ever expected.

The Brief

For this brief, a random word was given to us and we had to combine another word to form a theme, where we then had to create a branding campaign on the theme. I was given the word, "Sunrise" and the chosen word is "Grease", here the sunrise refers to equality and the grease refers to the old-time youth sub-culture who was often bullied and disregarded. Together, the combination makes common humanity, where everyone should be treated with equality, hence the theme of anti-bullying came about. 


Based on Pisa OECD survey results of 50 countries, Singapore is ranked third among the 50 countries for exposure of bullying, being the top asia country in the list. Even though majority felt belonged in school, the percentage of students who were bullied few times a month is 48.5% which is almost half the amount. Verbal bullying was chosen as the type of bullying students experience the most with majority of these victims, aged 12-18.
The Style

Since this project is targeted to students around the age of 12-18, vibrant and bright colours are mostly used such as light blue and yellow, pairing up with fun handwritten typography to catch the attention of students around this age-group. Also, tracing back to Singapore's Children Society anti-bullying advertisements that always promotes positivity, the concept of these advertisements is that it has a plot-twist that goes from negative to positive, promoting people to stay strong to overcome bullying.  
Credits: Singapore Children's Society
Song: Sad Song - We The Kings ft. Elena Coats
Diary Publication

The diary publication is a collection of stories from reputable figures in Singapore who have gone through and survived their bullying experience, their stories allow people to learn from their experiences. In order for people to encourage people to keep the diary, there are notes pages and motivational quotes' stickers at the back. Interactive pages are also included for people to form their own motivational quotes.

Short 15s advertisement video that would be played as Youtube ads, the video's story moves in a fast-pace in order to catch the audience's attention in a short time. The video basically portrays how the words we said can hurt people much more than we expected. Scroll down below to understand more about the video's storyline.

A 4-flap brochure but works similarly like a book, where the 2 middle-flaps are hidden and the outer 2 flaps are the covers. At the front, negative words such as "Freak" , "Loser" and "Short" are shown, when the brochure is open, the beginning 2 letters of the words are then combined to another set of letters to form positive words. The last flap contains information about Singapore's Children Society when people can find out more.
Ambient Advertising (Phone-booth)

Ambient advertisements would be found at phone booths and at public chairs. Taking inspiration from the Museum of Bullying by Enter, Lithuania for Vaikų linija, where victims are bullied when they are unaware. The phone-booth advertisement works when someone enters the phone-booth without realizing the nasty comments placed outside of the phone-booth but inside, there is a twist where these nasty comments actually have a positive meaning, different from what people expected. The advertisement tries to portray how one should not give up when faced with bullying and think from the negative to the positive.
Ambient Advertising (Chairs)

Also, taking inspiration from "School Chair With Writing On it" exhibit from the Museum of Bullying. The title would be eye-catching such as "This chair is reserved for the stupid" at the back and front of the chair,  when the title catches people's attention to sit on the chair. A positive meaning of the remark is placed in a smaller font at the chair to let the readers know the different meaning of it and that one shouldn't back down when faced with bullying.
Do You Truly Understand The Power Of Your Words?