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2018 Design Trends for the Bathroom

2018 Design Trends for the Bathroom 
Copper, hardwood, glass, stainless steel-What's the connection?
Quite simply, these are some of the latest trends in bathroom tile designs! Do you want to make your bathroom the most hip one in the block? Do you feel like you're a "do it yourself " with a touch for the latest designs? Find out what the coolest designers today are saying about using these materials in their bathroom tile options.

Metal Bathroom Tile Designs
Metals like stainless steel fly, brushed copper, and satin bronze are coming on strong in performance for the most fashionable bathroom design trends remodeling materials. The old times of use of huge sheets of stainless steel or copper are out and now we see the use of small squares of tiles of the same material that is being configured in very interesting models. With the new options in the shape factors, it is easier to choose the metal as an accent pattern instead of having to use it for a whole wall.

Most of the time we see designs of metal bath tiles in the splash area. If you go for a traditional and timeless look, stick with bronze and copper as they have a beautiful antique feel. On the other hand if you are looking for a contemporary and polished look, there is no better choice than top quality stainless steel.

Bathroom Glass Tile Designs
The glass tiles have been around for a long time, but they used to be quite expensive. Now with the multitude of glass tiles manufactures today, prices have gone down and the selection has crossed the roof. Now, instead of just tiling your splash, we see entire walls or shower stalls made very elegant with glass. There is a level of luxury that only glass can achieve. While it was reserved only for luxury hotels and restaurants, it now becomes the latest in tile design trends in modern houses.

The glass comes in so many finishes of the flat spider and the color spectrum is infinite. Sometimes the hardest part of integrating glass tiles into your bathroom tile design is settling into a model of all available options.

Also, let's not forget that Glass is probably the "greener" material available, as it may come from 100% recycled materials. These people in the remodeling industry are always looking for ways to reuse old materials and make it a fascinating part of their new decor.

Designs of wooden bath tiles

In some old houses, we used to see shower stalls and bathtubs surrounded by beautiful wood. Although it looks amazing, it is not very convenient for the wet Bath air. With the new porcelain tile made to look like hardwood, you may have to look again at an easy to install, clean, and maintain tile.

2018 Design Trends for the Bathroom

2018 Design Trends for the Bathroom
