Reverse.(mixed technique,2018)
The reverse side of acts, words, soul ... Usually it is hidden and therefore is much more attractive. Everyone has something that no one has ever seen or heard, what was stored and should not have been detected, as modern society sets certain rules that have to be lived by. But it is important to understand the most important thing that Reverse-reverse side of our Souls is not bad, it's something more vulnerable, sincere, real ...
Reverse (lat. reversus) is a process that turns the time back, which is present in the life of each person. Changing the course of the mechanism to the opposite, the opposite.
"We are like boats trying to break into the present, but ruthlessly brings us back to the past."
Reverse (engl.reverse ) is a 360 degree reference jump, with the back above the obstacle, then the body in a vertical position.
When you first met person with a person, the first thing you can see is his face, which does not always provides a picture of him, but take a look at his back and you will see things you had not really get a look at.
And what are you hiding?