Alice Hooper's profile

Action On Hearing Loss

Action On Hearing Loss
Brief: Create a campaign that 'visualises hearing loss'.

Background: Hearing loss and deafness affects over 11 million people in the UK, but it is a 'Invisible' condition that is hidden in society, that people think it is only related with old age and there is nothing you can do about it. There are still negative perceptions and stigma associated with hearing loss, which is why four million people who need hearing aids don't have them. Left unmanaged it can lead to depression, mental health issues and people feeling isolated and lost.
Outcome: I created a campaign called 'You are NOT alone' to celebrate people who have hearing loss and to educate them that they are not alone and shouldn't suffer in silence, to also spread awareness to people who don't suffer from hearing loss that it shouldn't be something to be kept quiet. 
I have done this by creating a zine that honoured celebrities that suffer from hearing loss but it didn't hold them back, to inspire people it is possible.
Action On Hearing Loss

Action On Hearing Loss

Action on hearing loss project
