The freshest produce of Cameron Highland, Malaysia. At an elevation from 1135 meter to 1829 meter above sea level and average temperature of below 25°C, Cameron Highland becomes a paradise for growing continental plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables.

In this photography series, I want to portray the exquisiteness of local produce. Behind every wonderful harvest there is dedicated farmer working days and nights to give us the best and freshest. 
Sweet potato or Ipomoea batatas comes from the morning glory family. Orange sweet potatoes contain more beta-carotene which is the source of vitamin A. 
The color of hydrangea is affected by the presence of aluminium ions which are available or tied up depending upon the soil pH level.
Red coral lettuce or lollo rosso is a type of fancy lettuce with tight curly leaves and has a slightly bitter taste.
Cameron Highland

Cameron Highland

In this photography series, I want to portray the exquisiteness of local produce. Behind every wonderful harvest there is dedicated farmer workin Read More
