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Typography: Project 2 & 3

Typography: Project 2 & 3
CMAT 457: Typography 1
Project 2 & 3 as a Spread
Project 2 alone
"What is the use of being legible,
when nothing inspires you to take notice of it"

-Wolfgang Weingart
Project 2 & 3 was a two part project in which our class selected a famous typographer and created a spread with two typographic pieces we made. I chose Wolfgang Weingart because I immediately fell in love with his work from the second I saw it.

For Project 2, we used a famous quote from our typographer to create an expressive typographic piece to portray the quotes meaning. Inspired by the meaning of the quote and the typographic experimentation Wolfgang is known for, I decided to sacrifice readability in order to create a piece that would be challenging and fun for the viewer to read.

Project 3 (the left side of the spread) had us laying out a short essay we wrote on our typographer in a way that would go with the piece. In my first draft of the piece, the headline, subhead, and bylines were extremely large compared to the body in order to create hierarchy. After observing how type was treated in the real world, I figured out that I could convey hierarchy through other means such as type style, which I ended up doing instead.
Typography: Project 2 & 3