Vasil Stefano's profile

Green Party of British Columbia

The Green Party of British Columbia needed some election posters. The desire was to incite voters to
look past the stereotypical perception of the Greens, and take a closer look at what unexpected ideas the
Green Party had to offer.
Headline: Fiscal responsibility.
Copy: Look past the stereotype, and take a closer look at the Green Party platform. What you’ll see is a fiscally
conservative, ecologically resposible, forward-thinking party. Not quite what you expected, was it?
Take a closer look at the greens.
Headline: Debt reduction.
Copy: Look past the stereotype, and take a closer look at the Green Party platform. What you’ll see is a fiscally
conservative, ecologically responsible, forward-thinking party. Not quite what you expected, was it?
Take a closer look at the greens.

Headline: Small business.
Copy: Look past the stereotype, and take a closer look at the Green Party platform. What you’ll see is a fiscally
conservative, ecologically responsible, forward-thinking party. Not quite what you expected, was it?
Take a closer look at the greens.

Illustrations Ben O'Brien.
Green Party of British Columbia

Green Party of British Columbia

Posters for the Green Party of BC
