Morgan Stonehocker's profile

The Kaysville Theatre Visual Branding

Why Statement: "We believe in strong communities, close families, and the value of entertainment."
I started with a black background for the business card because it is reminiscent of a dark theater, and it provided a good contrast to the red and gold text. The text alignment for the front of the card made sense on the left so the text wouldn't run into the swooping 'K' and feel crowded, and the text on the back of the card is right-aligned to be opposite the red and gold stripes. If I were to change one thing, though, I would adjust the positioning of the QR code to be more centered between the top and bottom.
The envelope Includes the same design elements as everything else, like the full logo and the red and gold stripes. I have left space for the postage, mailing address, and mailing barcode towards the bottom. it looks very clean-cut and simple.
The design elements are still there (logo in the header, red and gold stripes), and they stand out from the white paper. But there is plenty of space for a letter to be written, and the elements are also not crowded into the edges of the sheet. The stripes along the side also provide leading lines for the flow of the letter.
And it is still functional with text as well!

For the social media logos, I took the unique elements of the logo- the Admit One ticket and the swooping 'K'- out of the logo, deleting everything else around them and centering them in the workspace. I kept the black background featured on my business card, because it provides high contrast to the bright colors that a white background would not have given.

For the Facebook profile header, I reflected on the parts of the why statement that focus on the importance the theater places on family and entertainment. I chose a picture that featured lots of people, particularly children, in a movie theater and seeming very happy.

The Twitter profile picture is the same as the Facebook profile picture and has the same reasoning behind it. This proves that the logo still looks clean and polished at the high resolutions of cell phone or computer screens whether it's as large as this or smaller like with Facebook.
The Twitter header picture also reflects the why statement, featuring happy families and a community, enjoying themselves in a movie theater. 
The Kaysville Theatre Visual Branding

The Kaysville Theatre Visual Branding

This was for a class project. This is not official for the Kaysville Theatre and will not be actually used. The Kaysville Theatre is a discount Read More


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