So the task at the university was to make up a cover for a cd-album of any metal group. Well, one of my exes made me fall in love with Slayer years ago. Fun story, times passed and I still love them (apparently, the ex lost this battle). So the decision was made — I am making a CD-cover for a thrash metal band that mostly sings about blood and death. PERRRRFECT

But before I got down to the cover itself, there was one more thing to do — make an ambigram logotype. Which means, it must be read upside-down same as normally. Thank God, Slayer has only 6 letters!
And one more rule to take into consideration: the logo should be in gothic style. All right, we'll see what we can do here.

The first trials assured me: you gotta fight for your right to have a good (goddamn) ambigram.

What I also learned then: writing (or better to say, drawing) gothic letters with a feather is not my thing for now. But, good news! Gothic writing is very modular —  and that's my cup of tea.

So, for the ambigram I decided that S can easily become e+r, but the problem with "ay" was kinda hard for me. After don't remember how many iterations the solution finally came down: I got rid of the hole in "a", making it a simple stroke — and it worked.

Okay, Slayer logo was ready (and who thinks it's not gothic, cast the first stone).

Then came the cover's turn. I decided to get hardcore and went to the nearest supermarket in search for some meat. Well, I definitely found some.

This concept with chicks didn't get to the final result, but now I got huge material on the anatomy of them — so no surprise for me if sometime later it comes up in some other "specific" project I get chance to work on.

And this time I decided to try my other pre-made materials also using hands, but here they were scanned, giving some torn texture with anxious effect.
Finally, the logo fully blended into this texture, creating a good tension. What I also wanted to achieve was the sense of 'multi-layerness' — to make the logo not flat.
For the name of the album "World Painted Blood" I chose typewriter font with broken leading and no justification — to make it more raw and out of order. 

The lyrics from the main track (which, I must admit, I really love) went for the inside of the pack — and made a good broken rhythm.
The backside gives the list of tracks and the names of producers — just like on the original CD.
That's all, folks!
Listen to good music and be in peace (even listening to Slayer).


Slayer CD cover


Slayer CD cover

CD cover design for Slayer's album "World Painted Blood". The logo for the group was created as an ambigram.
