2017 - OD designstudio for Jumbo supermarkten
Veggie Chef is a range of 30+ vegetarian/vegan products, that is specifically aimed at the so called flexitarian, the doubting consumer who is still a meat eater but wants to change his eating behaviour. This consumer is not familiar with the vegetarian kitchen and can use some good advice on how to make an excellent vegetarian dinner.
So the packaging design is meant to seduce him but also to help him, the packs are almost like a recipe card, the mouthwatering food photography shows the consumer, yes, you can make a really nice vegetarian meal. And to really convince him we put the recipe of this meal on the back of the pack.​​​​​​​
The name Veggie Chef and the whole design concept is by myself, all the recipes and the idea behind the colour coding was done by Lotje Nieuwenhuis, a real veggie :-) 

Foodphotography by Wilkin's photography

Veggie Chef

Veggie Chef

Veggie Chef
