Apart from being an illustrator, I'm a teacher of a course, where with my students we're experimenting with various sides of an illustration. Including this task, that I always give to my students. We take one shape, and then we try finding as many subjects for illustrations in it as we can. 

For a change, I’ve decided to take part in this task myself. Usually it’s allowed to twist a shape as well as to complete it with the necessary details. But I decided to make a hard-core version of this task, and to draw just humans’ faces without any twisting. It’s an amazing exercise to learn finding the most unusual and weird faces that won’t come up when you’re drawing in a traditional way. 

The shape itself was born while drawing a fish, that can be seen in the middle of the lowest row of the lowest picture.
As a result – 33 characters.
30 from 1

30 from 1

33 characters from one shape
