visual identity, campaign, art work, decor, webdesign

Believe the hype - the youngsters know it better. As an ambassador to contemporary music in the form of techno and as a host of a nightlife hang out spot, Kraft is keeping its spirit alive and kicking. Keeping up, means regularly redefining your persona. Those who wish not to get lost in the cultural fray, must dare to experiment with image and style.

A continuous evolution of character upholds Kraft as mysterious, indefinable and mature. That calls for a thematically adaptable website, enticing stage design and experimental video promotion. A variable graphical grid forms the basis of a visual identity that allows Kraft to shift its appearance and expression. A ligature as a logo captures perfectly the mystery of Kraft.

Time travel
In stage design and decor props, the mystery of Kraft must also be tangible. A time machine portal, life-size, was designed to be just that.

The time portal was the subject of a promotion campaign that showed precisely the progression of design stages from blue print to model to prototype of the portal.

Suspended doors were part of the light set up at one event, while a standing portal was placed where visitors could physically walk the steps and pass through.

Web development: Strikt online

Event photography:
Lumen Lineas (img 1,3,4,5,6)
Simone Frank (img 7) (img 2)



Believe the hype - the youngsters know it better. As an ambassador to contemporary music in the form of techno and as a host of a nightlife hang Read More
