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Vanity Fair - Symbolic Book Cover

A Symbolic Book Cover for Vanity Fair.

Vanity Fair is a book based on two female characters. One is born wealthy and able to afford the high-life of Vanity Fair, the other is born poor and wants nothing more than to climb the wealth ladder. Though she doesn’t see it, Rebecca's desire to have more and more ends up being her undoing. Too much of a good thing is often bad (tea spilling over the edge of the tea cup). Rebecca's selfishness hurts everyone special to her and, lthough she has more than she could ever want, she is left with no one in the end. 

Vanity Fair is based on extremes (poor and rich, enough and too much, simple and fancy). A rich atmosphere was created using darker tones and a fancy tea cup. The lighting is subdued and focused on the the mess reflecting back from the spilled-over tea. Bringing in a simple, no-fuss typeface highlights the polarity between the two main characters as well as their backgrounds. The author of the book is kept in a darker tone, with the title being highlighted in a beautiful cream, chosen from the tea cup itself. In this, the total symbolism of Vanity Fair is able to come through. We see Rebecca in the tea cup spilling over. Amelia, who started off rich and wealthy (the tea cup color), chooses a more simple life and leaves the craziness of Vanity Fair behind (simplified font).
Vanity Fair - Symbolic Book Cover

Vanity Fair - Symbolic Book Cover
