aishwarya kumar's profile

Stage Rabbit | Ways of being

Ways of being

"I am as I am. So take me as I am"
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-

For decades, the conversation around gender has been shifting and evolving, with a growing recognition of the fluidity of gender identity. While previously the focus was on achieving equality between genders, more recent discussions have centered on the very concept of gender itself and the possibility of breaking away from traditional gender roles. For many, this concept of gender fluidity is new and difficult to understand, with people often seeking absolute truths and clear definitions.
Historically, our cultures and mythologies have often embraced ambiguity and the acceptance of individuals without the need to label or categorize them based on gender. However, in recent times, there has been a trend towards caution and a narrow understanding of what has been and what has been overwritten. The arts, including visual arts, painting, photography, and film, have played a role in capturing and interpreting non-verbal communication, converting it into a more symbolic language that is more easily understood by audiences.
The Deemed Vision project is an ongoing research effort that aims to explore the role of media in capturing body language and performance, with the goal of understanding how the camera can be used to allow for expression and fluidity rather than conformity. Through the capture of daily life for individuals who identify with a specific gender as well as those who do not, this project seeks to understand how the performance of daily life can be nuanced and better understood beyond the constraints of traditional gender roles. By examining common gestures and behaviors when subjects are unaware, this research aims to challenge stereotypes and encourage a deeper understanding of the humanity that lies beyond gender.

This project is an on-going process.

Literary Reference: Devdutt Patnaik

Stage Rabbit | Ways of being


Stage Rabbit | Ways of being
