The brief given was to create an advertisement series that either addresses a social or political issue, or sells an existing product. The social issue I focused on was the stigma around Alzheimer’s and its effects.

The idea behind my Alzheimer’s campaign was to offer the public an insight into the everyday life of a patient and how loved ones and caretakers work to create a safe environment for sufferers. 
After extensive research into Alzheimer’s and how it plays into the patient’s everyday life, I discovered that patients often use Post-It Notes to aid in navigating their home. As the most common thing known about Alzheimer’s is the onset of slowly starting to forget, it will start with simple things such as making coffee, then not recognizing their loved ones and eventually forgetting even themselves. By using the idea of Post-It Notes to communicate my message, I essentially tell the story of how it feels living with the disease as well as the story about their loved ones and caretakers. 
The campaign consists of five posters to be displayed in public areas, featuring the post it notes in a range of compositions and handwritings. They will remind the audience of everyday chores such as taking out the trash and then go into a more heavier topic, about them forgetting who they are. The idea is to not be too confronting, combining a range of mundane tasks together with my key message to build up an emotive response in the audience where they themselves can see the more serious issue and respond to it. 

Thank you



advertising, alzheimer's, social issue
